That’s Entertainment…

Leo (second from the left) lines up with his team mates to face their first game of the season. The weather was brutal, felt like 20 degrees with the wind blowing 20-30 mph. A small price to pay for such great entertainment! The referee had his hands full, with kids continuing to play and kick the ball well outside of the lines. He had to chase them down and take the ball. It seemed the same little boy from the other team ( he is the one with the blue hat on) sprinted at full speed dribbling the ball and when the ref took the ball, the little blue hat boy would fall on the ground and lay there till his Dad came and picked him up. He did this every time! A large part of the game was taken up with making sure the players knew which goal to kick toward. Once they had this down, it was halftime and the ref and coachs had to go over it all again. Kids were going in all directions, some were crying, some did not want to play. If you are strapped for cash and desperate for entertainment, search out a local field and take in a game, you will not be disappointed. Amid all this chaos, Leo made three assists for scores, playing only three quarters, and during the game, he managed to run to the sidelines twice, once to get a hug from Grammy and once to get a gummy bear. Yes, his team won!

Published by normdave

We live and travel full time in our fifth wheel or cargo trailer. We work for the Lord Jesus Christ in Disaster Relief Ministry. When not doing any of the above we try to have as much fun as we can. Possible items you might find here, in no particular order, dirt bikes, quads, hiking, camping, desert living, building projects, stained glass projects, our family, Bible study, RVing stuff, nutrition comments, and just about anything else we can think of....

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